Veterinarian dashboard

Visualized Animal Health Record Dashboards

Veterinarian dashboard and reporting tool.

Data visualization tools help interpret and present medical information in a way that is easier to understand. For example, charts and graphs can be used to display changes in an animal's vital signs over time or to compare the prevalence of certain medical conditions across different populations.

Easy to use

No more flipping through numerous pages of health records before an appointment.

Our data analytic software helps you to see what’s most important with insights and dashboards.

Identify trends

Finding & identifying trends can be complicated, but when the information is graphed, charted & easily filtered, identifying potentially life-saving trends is an easy

Effectively communicate

Communication is difficult, especially when talking about health issues & findings.

Nearly 65% of people are visual learners, communicate more effectively with EMR dashboards.

Interact with a sample dashboard below ↓

  1. Hover your mouse over the Weights and Vitals to see stats & trends.

  2. Click on a date in Abnormalities observed to see the change in weights, vitals, and systems impact.

  3. Scroll and click through system notes to see changes in systems impacted.

We sort through all your animal health records to unleash the power of animal health trends in your veterinary practice! 💪

Data analytics has the potential to revolutionize the way veterinary clinics and consolidators operate, improving patient outcomes and profitability.

Visually identify health and behavior changes

Visually identify health & behavioral changes

  • Save time searching through medical records.

  • See a 360º view of the health of a patient.

  • Interactively communicate with clients about the health of their pets.

Transforming Veterinary Care with the Power of Data Analytics